Bloodlust final draft
Heels click down the stone cobbled street, all shadows fleet they turn and take the shorter route, down the lane The darker lit bit is...
An interview with the Artistic Director of Paisley Opera
Paisley – this town in Renfrewshire is one of Scotland’s biggest, in size and in history. According to Paisley Opera’s website, the...
Character profiles: RedWick Lake
Main character: Bailey Crane Age: 15 Nationality: White American Hometown: Florida Occupation: School student Parents: Linda Crane and...
The Possession of Doug Sawyer (second draft)
2nd December, 1999 So, I guess I’ve to keep this diary so I can write down my feelings and describe what’s been going on in my life. Dr....
Into the Woods (second draft)
My feet stand at the edge. One more step and I would be, well….in it's neck of the woods. I would be there for the taking – a shrimp in a...
Character Profiles: The Possesion of Doug Sawyer
Main Character: Doug Sawyer Age: 37 Nationality: White British Hometown: London Occupation: Office worker, admin. Height: 5’11 Weight:...
Character Profiles: Into the Woods
Main character/narrator: Lisa Johnstone Age: 15 Nationality: White American Hometown: Willowdale(fictional town) in Ohio, America...