Character Profiles: Into the Woods
Main character/narrator:
Lisa Johnstone
Age: 15
Nationality: White American
Hometown: Willowdale(fictional town) in Ohio, America
Parents: Margaret and Mark Johnstone.
Sibling(s): Brody Johnstone ( 7 years old)
Occupation: School pupil at Willowdale middle school.
Height: 5’4
Weight: 9 stone, slender and underdeveloped.
Eye colour: Deep blue
Hair colour: Light brown
Hair type: long past shoulders, straight.
Skin colour: white, peachy.
Shape of face: Diamond shaped
How does she dress? Lots of tartan patterns and lots of boots, dark colours such as browns and burgundies.
Habits: Bites her lip when nervous
Hobbies: Unravels the thread on her cardigan when nervous or when thinking
Protective of her younger brother
Doesn’t take anyone’s shit
Her love for her family blinds her sense of self protection (as she is about to go into the woods, regardless of her own safety)
How does the character deal with anger? - She bottles it up until she can act on it. In her eyes, actions speak louder than words (which is why she is taking it into her own hands to go and retrieve her brother from the woods where she believes the witch has him).
What does the character want out of life? – She just wants her family and friends and everyone she knows to be happy and safe. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up because she likes to care for others, but when faced with the decision, she is going into the dangerous woods to retrieve her brother.
Main Character's little brother:
Brody Johnstone
Age: 7
Nationality: White American
Hometown: Willowdale
Occupation: Pupil at Willowdale school
Parents: Margaret and Mark Johnstone
Sibling(s): Main Character, Lisa Johnstone
Height: 4’9
Weight: slim, slender
Eye colour: Deep blue, slightly lighter than his sister’ eye colour.
Hair colour: Light brown, from his Dad.
Hair type: Ear length, straight but messy from playing outside with friends all the time.
Skin colour: Pale, freckled cheeks
Shape of face: Diamond face shape and a button nose, same as sister.
How does he dress? He likes to wear funny t-shirts that his parents buy from the local Walmart. His current favourite before his abduction is one with a t-rex trying to make a bed but he can’t because his arms are too small, he wore this t-shirt the day he went missing.
Mannerisms: Cheeky and funny but obeys his parents and respects his sister.
Habits: Bites his nails
Respects his parents and his sister.
Respects authority, such as teachers.
Does well in school and makes time for his friends outside of school.
Allows himself to be lured into the woods by a witch.
The missing children:
Sydney Brown (9) (Jacky Brown (4)
Alex Peterson (10)
Brody Johnstone
Sydney Brown Character profile:
Name: Sydney Sophia Brown
Age: 9
Sex: F
Nationality: White American
Hometown: Willowdale
Occupation: Pupil at Willowdale school
Parents: John and Mindy Brown
Sibling(s): Jacky Brown (4)
Height: 5’0
Weight: Slightly chubby
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Ginger
Hair type: tight curls that hug her face
Skin colour: white, peachy, red cheeks (looks like a china doll)
Face shape: Heart shape, round
Mannerisms: Likes to stick her tongue in between the gap between her two front teeth, has a loud laugh.
How does she dress? Like a doll, lots of dolly shoes and puffy out dresses.
Emotional characteristics:
Is a very cheerful child, likes to interact with people.
Naïve (which is how she came to get captured and mutilated by the witch)
Not street smart
Role in story: Is the second child to fall victim to the witch in the woods. Is from a middle-class family that can afford to look for her when she goes missing. Is found hanging from a tree in the woods by her hair.
Jacky Brown
Name: Jacky Brown
Age: 4
Sex: F
Nationality: White American
Parents: John and Mindy Brown
Sibling(s): Sydney Brown
Height: 3’8
Weight: slender, normal for her age
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Auburn, ginger streaks like her sister’ in the sunlight.
Hair type: Curly, short, chin length as she is still a toddler.
Skin colour: White, peachy.
Shape of face: Heart shaped like her sister’ face.
How does she dress: Same as her sister, mainly dresses and cardigans?
Takes initiative when she can sense that something is wrong (such as riding back home when she sees her sister being mutilated by the witch)
Is slow at talking, doesn’t talk when she returns home after her sister’s murder (from shock)
Is susceptible to magic from the witch because she is so young (which makes her jump from her nursery window)
Role in the story: Confirms the belief in the town that the witch is real because before she throws herself from the window, she draws what she saw which a witch is killing her sister and lots of blood.
Alex Hernandez
Full name: Alexander Hernandez
Gender: M
Age: 10
Nationality: Mexican American
Parents: Maria Hernandez (single parent)
Sibling(s): None
Hometown: Willowdale
Occupation: Pupil at Willowdale school
Height: 5’3
Weight: slender, normal for 10-year-old.
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair colour: Black
Hair type: Thick, straight, Jaw length
Skin colour: Tanned, Mexican.
Shape of face: Oval
How does he dress? Jeans and t-shirt every day, casual.
Mannerisms: Sucks his thumb when he is day dreaming.
Enjoys spending time with his family.
Doesn’t do well in school.
Role in story: Is the first child to go missing. His Mother is too poor to really advertise that he is missing and people just think that he has ran away, until he is found mutilated by the edge of the woods.