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What are the 3 best horror sagas on Netflix?

Netflix has some of the best horror trologies, duologies and even quadrologies within its horror film category. In this list, we'll be focusing on, 'Official Team Horror's favourite horror film sagas included within Netflix, even if all the films aren't actually released on Netflix. These movies on their own are worth the watch.

(no spoilers ahead)

#3 - The Grudge

Screenshot from the original movie - 'Ju-on: The Grudge', also directed by Takachi Shimizu.

Netflix currently only harbours the first movie of this trilogy, which makes it the perfect situation to see if you actually like the concept of, 'The Grudge'. This 2004 American horror remake of the Japanese film, 'Ju-on: The Grudge' is a classic in the early naughties era of horror films.

Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and directed by Japanese Horror director, Takashi Shimizu, this movie is best known for the creepy scenes that include the entity known as, 'The Grudge'.

Sarah Michelle Gellar in, 'The Grudge'

Despite having a measly 34% rating on the film review site, Rotten Tomatoes, this could be down to the fact that it does take a little while for anything truly frightening to actually happen.

What's more, this movie is one of the most controversial on this list of Netflix horror sagas due to its, "murder" of the original film, which was also directed by Shimizu. According to, 'Film Daily'; 'The Grudge' is amongst one of the many movies that symbolises the 'murder' of east asian movies due to American remakes. Daisy Phillipson, the writer of this article, states that Shimizu should've stuck as much to the original movie as possible, including NOT moving the setting of the movie to Tokyo. To read the full article, click here.

However, with a box office profit of $187.2 million and being a true horror classic, we're sure they aren't too bothered about opposing reviews.

One of the most interesting things about, 'The Grudge' is the concept behind the movie. In Japanese culture, there is a belief that if someone dies whilst in a powerful grip of rage, then it leaves 'a stain' on the place where they died and everyone, 'The Grudge' touches, it kills. Even without knowing the reason why the grudge is approaching you, we're sure noone would be sticking around very long to see what it wants.


#OTH tip: watch this film with headphones! The sound effects for the grudge are one of the scariest and most memorably things about this movie franchise! And if you don't think you're going to watch the movie, still give this link a click to listen to the sounds that we're on about. Guaranteed goosebump material.

#2-Paranormal Activity

Ever wondered what it'd look like to watch someone watch someone else sleep? Well good news, with all the, 'Paranormal Activity' films on Netflix - you now have full access to this!

The first movie in this saga, 'Paranormal Activity', was released in 2007 as a self titled, 'based on true events' film. The layout of this film sparked the start of a long line of modern, 'based on true events' horror films. The goosebump enducing text at the beginning and ending of the film which claim the footage you just watched was real is the biggest scare factor to this movie and rest of the franchise. In reality this isn't the case though, as the sequels and prequels follow the story of two sisters, Katie and Kristie Rey. In order to stick with the, 'no spoilers' rule of this article, that's as much as we'll say for now.

Scene from the first, 'Paranormal Activity'. Katie watching boyfriend Micah sleeping.

The only movie in this saga that is not directly related to the overall story is, 'the marked ones' which follows a high-school student who messes with a ouija board. At one point in the movie, however, he does see a vision of young Kristi and Katie (that's all we'll say about that, but it doesn't corelate with the rest of the film). Anyone seeing this film without watching the rest of the, 'Paranormal Activity' movies would just think, 'oh look, two creepy looking little girls' and as that's already a commonn horror movie trope nowadays anyway, we'll let the director off with that one.

The highest ranking rotten tomatoes review on this list with a 83% from the hard-to-please review site.

Young Katie and Kristie in the third movie.

#OTH tip: We recomend you don't watch these movies at night, not because they're too scary, but because there's alot of screaming. If you live in a full household or have grumpy neighbours, it's probably best to wait until daytime to watch these movies comfortably - or with headphones (warning: screaming may cause annoying migraines).


Probably the most goriest entry on this list, our number one favourite series of films on Netflix. Hostel 1 &2 are on Netflix, but there are more in this series.

The infamous, 'Blood Bath' scene from Hostel II

With the first released in 2005 and the second released two years later, this mystery/American horror/slasher series is admittedly difficult to watch at times with the amount of blood, gore and torture that is included.

The first hostel holds a not-too-shabby 63% review on rotten tomatoes whilst its sequel holds 43%, both were directed by Eli Roth (the director of 'Inglorious bastards' and 'Green Inferno').

During the first weekend of its release, Hostel I made $19.6 million and Hostel II made $35.6 million overall.

One of the best known scenes in the Hostel franchise is the, 'Blood Bath' scene in Hostel II stars Heather Matarazzo (Lorna) as the victim. Matarazzo was later awarded, 'Best supporting actress' by Fright Metre Awardss in 2007 for her role in this film. The scene, however, where Lorna is hung upside down from her feet as her throat is slit into a bath for the woman underneath her to bathe in her blood, is not entirely fiction.

Elizabeth Bathory, as her name so fittingly states, became known in popular culture for her bloodbaths and horrific torture of victims during her reign as Countess of Hungaria in the 15-1600s. Whilst some historians question the reliability of the accounts of her devious ways, she could'nt have earned the nicknames, 'The Blood Countess' and, 'Countess Dracula' for nothing - could she?

Elizabeth Bathory

Whilst there is no context for the reasoning behind this scene, if it's anything like Bathory's apparant reasons then it's sure to send shivers down any viewers spine. Bathory believed that bathing in the blood of younger women than herself that she could regain her youth. This led many to believe, years after her death, that she was connected in someway to vampirism or satanism. However, like in Hostel II, if the rumours are infact true about Bathory, she most likely did it for the same reason as Lorna's killer in the movie - to kill.

#OTH tip: If you're going to watch the Hostel franchise, we reccomend that you take a look at the lore behind some of the killing scenes, such as the case of Bathory.

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