Mess - final draft
Oh, God! Oh, God"
whit hiv a done?
Oh, God! It's oan ma haunds"
Shit! It's oan ma trainees,
a just got these the other day
Whit is that smell? Is that
whit blood smells like? Man -
stop squirming!
Look at the mess you've made
How am a gonny get these stains oot, eh?
Dunny hink a mop and bucket will fix this wan
A hink it's time to crack the dettoll oot
fae under the sink
and maybe then, a'll take a wee drink
See, a don't wantae end up in Barlinnie
Naw, surely they widny
Chuck me in there - naw, no way
It was this coo's fault anyway, a'll say
Come home fae wurk? Take the bins oot
After a quickie? Dae the dishes.
Aye, nae mare
This is the last time a'll be cleaning aefter your mess